NAUI vs Padi is a major question among the American SCUBA divers. Naui and Padi are agencies that provide certification for SCUBA divers and teachers who finish schools which are certified by them. Padi is the biggest SCUBA certifying system around the world with 50 % of all SCUBA teachers certified with them. Naui is well known in the USA simply because that is where it primarily based.

If you want to journey all over the world, go SCUBA diving and train it to say, Padi accreditation and membership may be the best option. Your membership will likely to be respected all over the world. Nevertheless, although Naui means the National Association of Underwater Instructors, they also claim that they’re the most esteemed SCUBA organization throughout the world.

The truth is, these days, both Padi and Naui are respected all over the world. The real difference in accordance with numerous instructors would be that the Padi curriculum is much more structured compared to the Naui curriculum. Naui instructors have got a bit more flexibility to include personal experience as well as know-how into the curriculum. Padi instructors do not always stick to the rules, however. Thus, this particular difference isn’t really a big factor.

In case you are truly confused in choosing Naui vs Padi, you might only need to research the diving centers that you have been having classes at. Investigate the center, the curriculum as well as the instructors for each and every program and choose appropriately. Numerous diving centers provide certification both with Naui and Padi, meaning that a Padi instructor will bear in mind that you might go to get a Naui certification and the other way round. The differences in between the certifying agencies have become more and more blurry in the majority of schools.